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Jibé Barth

🇫🇷 Web developer

Composering a PrestaShop

Published Oct 7, 2017

Note : This is a guide for PS 1.6.x because 1.7 provide a composer.json

How to use composer in PrestaShop

The PHP World is full of talentued developers. They create very usefull and powerfull libraries. In PrestaShop, developers often have to reimplement them. Unless use composer !

Init a composer

First, you have to install composer to your system. I don't teach you how to do this, read the doc. Then, in your project root, launch

composer init

Inject autoload in Composer

The main file for PS is the famous config/ wich define all PS need to work.

So we will be tempted to modify it to add require ../vendor/autoload.php;. But we don't want to edit this file directly, and add it in our VCS.

And guess what, PrestaShop devs have thought of everything! In, we can found this line:



/* Custom config made by users */
if (is_file(_PS_CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_)) {

There is a proper way to include a config file.

So create a config/ file with this inside :

# Require Autoload from composer
require_once _PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

And you are able to use external libraries. Go on packagist

And after ?

Now, you can create modules, and use your libraries inside

But the must is to separate your modules in external repos to require them in your PrestaShop Installation.

How to add a command application ?

Most of framework have it now : Magento, Silex, Laravel, Typo3 ,Symfony... The Symfony Console Component !

We'll add it into our composerised PrestaShop 1.6.


To add it, in root directory of application, launch

composer require symfony/console

Create an application

Create a file console where you want. I prefer personnaly create a bin directory and put it in.

#!/usr/bin/env php

require_once ('path/to/your/config/');

use Symfony\Component\Console\Application;

$application = new Application('My awesome console application', '1.0');


Add the execution right on this file :

chmod +x bin/console

Now, in root application, launch :

php bin/console

and Tada :tada: !

Add a Command

Create a file named MyAwesomeCommand.php inside your module, or in a Command directory.


namespace MyModule\Command
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class MyAwesomeCommand extends Command
     * Configure Command
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('My awesome Command in PrestaShop');
     * Execute Command
     * @param InputInterface $input The input
     * @param OutputInterface $oOutput The output
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
       $output->writeln('<info> I\'m ready to rock</info>');

Register the namespace of your Command in the composer.json :

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "MyModule\\Command\\": "modules/mymodule/Command/"

In your console file, register your command :

$application = new Application('My awesome command application', '1.0');
// Here : register Command
$application->add(new \MyModule\Command\MyAwesomeCommand());


Relaunch the console :

php bin/console

Now, your command is in the list. You can call it like that :

php bin/console mymodule:mycommand

In your Command, you have access to ALL PrestaShop classes but don't forget the \ before calling them, they have no namespace :sweat:

Feel free to read the awesome doc to learn more about command.

I have to write all commands ??

Hell, no ! Some good guys write some usefull command for PrestaShop already. Look here or here.

For efipeek/prestaconsole, you can even require it in composer, and register command in your console file.